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Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Commitment Statement

SMI Trading Pty Ltd steadfastly maintains the highest level of ethical standards, ensuring strict adherence to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) legislations. We acknowledge our pivotal role in safeguarding the financial ecosystem from malicious activities, and we are wholeheartedly committed to deterring the exploitation of our services for money laundering and terrorist financing.

Dedication to Regulatory Adherence:

SMI Trading Pty Ltd is thoroughly committed to conforming with all pertinent regulations, laws, and guidelines concerning AML and CTF initiatives. This commitment is embodied in our rigorous implementation of comprehensive procedures, policies, and controls aimed at detecting, preventing, and reporting any suspicious undertakings effectively.

Risk Management Approach:

We engage in extensive risk assessments to meticulously monitor, identify, and assess the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing potentially impacting our business operations. This calculated risk-based approach enables us to judiciously allocate resources and deploy specific measures to mitigate the identified risks adequately.

Enhanced Customer Due Diligence:

Our robust customer due diligence (CDD) protocols are crafted to accurately verify the identity of our clients, gain a deep understanding of their transactional behaviors, and evaluate any associated risks. In instances involving heightened risk, enhanced due diligence is rigorously applied to meet and exceed regulatory standards.

Advanced Transaction Monitoring:

Employing cutting-edge transaction monitoring technology, we are poised to immediately identify and scrutinize any activities that might signal suspicious behavior. Our specialized compliance unit diligently reviews these alerts, advancing suspicious transactions for in-depth investigation and ensuring compliance with mandatory reporting obligations.

Comprehensive Employee Education:

A cornerstone of our strategy is the mandatory, in-depth educational programs provided to all employees, designed to elevate their awareness of AML and CTF risks, the regulatory landscape, and the mechanisms for thwarting financial crimes. Continual education and updates empower our staff to adeptly recognize and report any anomalous activities.

Proactive Collaboration and Communication:

SMI Trading Pty Ltd champions active engagement and collaboration with regulatory authorities, law enforcement, and other essential partners, committing to a collective effort to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. We pledge to promptly report any suspicious activities to the appropriate authorities, aiding in their investigative efforts.

Ongoing Policy and Process Enhancement:

In our pursuit of excellence, we continuously reevaluate and refine our AML and CTF strategies, policies, and procedures to stay abreast of evolving threats, regulatory adjustments, and best practices in the industry. This relentless pursuit of improvement underscores our dedication to preserving the integrity of the global financial system.

Acknowledgement of Non-Compliance Risks:

SMI Trading Pty Ltd is acutely aware of the grave consequences stemming from non-compliance with AML and CTF regulations, including potential legal action, financial liabilities, and reputational harm. Our unwavering commitment to full compliance is aimed at protecting not just our clientele and stakeholders but the broader financial community as well.